The 'Call Tracking' feature, integrated with 'Click To Call', helps you manage and analyze data related to all calls generated from your website. Our intuitive dashboard provides access to vital data, including recorded conversations, call durations, and graphical representations of call activity. This valuable information can help you gain insights into the number of calls received and optimize your practice operations.

Key Benefits

  • Detailed Call Data: Access recordings and call duration information directly from the dashboard.
  • Graphical Insights: View graphical representations of call data to understand call trends and patterns.
  • Operational Optimization: Use the insights gained from call data to improve and optimize your practice's operations.

Call Quality Management

Our Call Quality Management system allows you to listen to all calls recorded through the Call Tracking System. This feature helps enhance your staff's response to incoming inquiries and safeguards your interests by providing valuable records for training and quality assurance purposes.

Call Tracking

Implementing the 'Call Tracking' and 'Call Quality Management' features will provide your dental practice with the tools needed to enhance efficiency, optimize operations, and improve patient engagement. Partner with us to leverage these powerful features and take your practice to the next level.

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